Marketing and advertising encompass all the strategies to gain new clients and grow your business. Business cards are an essential marketing tool. They provide basic information about your services, how to reach you, and can actually serve you in a few more ways. You can bring in new clients with them by offering referral programs to existing customers, or offer special discounts for new clients. No matter how small or large your budget is for this purpose, you have to get the word out about your business.
Keep an eye on your competition. Know what kind of services they are offering, know their prices. You never know; you might end up utilizing some of their ideas. You have to find new ways to stand out from the crowd and attract new customers on a monthly, even weekly level. This is where good marketing strategy, both online and offline, comes into play.
Your business must gain exposure within your target audience. With the right amount of quality exposure, your initial efforts to create a successful business will gain traction, emerge from the sea of similar companies and help you beat your competitors.
Regardless of whether you’re launching a regular spray tanning salon or you are rolling out your own mobile spray tanning company, you need to think in advance about possible marketing strategies that will help you launch your business successfully and hit the ground running.
Lesson 1: Know Your Target Audience
Unfortunately, you cannot sell your services to everyone, which means you must learn who your target clientele is. Marketing your services to everyone will only make your marketing strategy backfire.
This is exactly why you must find out exactly who your ideal clients are, and once you have this useful information – you must learn how to find them and cater to them the best way possible. This will definitely put you ahead of your local competitors.
In order to find your “ideal client,” you’ll need to the following question:
- Given the type of your service, the city you are based in and your prices, who would need your services the most?
- Who can identify with your product/services the most?
- What are your successful competitors doing to attract customers?
When you discover who your target audience is and what exactly makes them go to YOU, not only will you be able to keep those clients, but – more importantly – attract new ones more effectively.
Lesson 2: Revolve Your Marketing Campaign Around Your Target Audience
Now it is time to cater to those ideal clients, and the best ways to do just that is to have a potent marketing strategy that will be able to reach those potential customers and turn them into revenue.
Some of the most effective marketing ideas include:
- Hiring a person who will know how to turn your social media pages into new customers.
- Organizing photo sessions that will focus on real-life situations that your ideal client can relate to.
- Offering discounts to those who fall into this group.
- Running ads in the magazine they read the most.
- Target these people on social media through paid ads.
Lesson 3: Connect With Your Target Audience On Social Media
Digital marketing is a huge part of any advertising campaign, and social media pages are your tools that will get the ball rolling.
Here are some effective digital marketing strategy tips that you might want to consider:
- Use tags and hashtags and use them wisely.
- Check-ins are crucial.
- Private messaging about your services and discounts can be a nice way to connect with your customers.
- You must follow other people as well.
- Involve your business in local events that target your clientele.
- Cross-promoting via similar businesses is also quite a good strategy.
Lesson 4: Make Your Salon More Visible In The Eyes Of Google (Good SEO)
Just having a website and social media pages simply aren’t going to cut it, so you must make sure your SEO (search engine optimization) is on point as well. Investing in good SEO will make your business more visible online when your potential clients are using Google to search for spray tanning services in your area.
Here are some ways to become more visible in Google’s eyes:
- Acquire positive reviews online (Google, Facebook, Yelp, Instagram…)
- Make sure your website is well structured and optimized.
- Make sure your website is mobile-friendly as more and more people use their smartphones to search online.
Article Source: Artesian Tan